10 behaviors that immediately turn people off when you first meet them  

Phone checks help, but we do them too often.The newcomer wants your full attention. Your phone, text, or social media use shows you're not listening.

Addiction to Your Phone


Everyone wants their voice heard and valued. Stopping someone from speaking, especially a beginner, is rude. That is, your opinion matters more.

Talking over others


Eye contact indicates interest. Connection and trust are built. Without enough money, you may appear cold and uninterested.

Avoiding Eye Contact


Positive events trigger fewer brain responses than negative ones. Negativity bias. Frequently complaining makes new people dislike you. Not everyone should hope.

Overly Negative


People mingle. We want empathy, connection, and understanding. Uncaring people can hit us like a cold shower. Personal or vital data was likely ignored.

Lacking Empathy


Selfishness when meeting someone new can turn them off. Be interested in others, not just yourself.Ask questions and show genuine interest in their lives.

Being Selfish


People can spot insincerity a mile away and dislike it. We've all met someone who impersonates others to impress. Being uncomfortable and dishonest.

Being Fake


Most people feel awkward 1.5 feet away.Privacy invasions instantly turn people off.Honor someone's space when meeting.Avoid unnecessary contact.

Personal Space Invasion


Using names when you meet someone for the first time may seem small, but it can have a big impact.It demonstrates your interest and value.

Not Remembering Name


Don't judge or jury. Meeting someone. Open your mind to new people. Avoid preconceptions and try to understand the person.

Being Judgmental


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