9 reasons to pack your bags and move to Finland


Finnish happiness is the highest in the world, according to the UN. Nordic—not Scandinavian—nations scored well on safety, income, freedom, life expectancy, stable governance, and charity. Let us give you more reasons to migrate to Nokia's birthplace.

The sisu lifestyle Finns have sisu, Danes hygge. According to Wikipedia, it is a blend of English terms like stoic resolve, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness that Finns use to define their nation. Quilts, bunny slippers, and hot cocoa are nice, but steel nerves are important too.

Equality throughout history Finland was the first country to grant women full rights to vote and run for parliament in 1906! While the rest of the world is still trying to achieve gender equality, we're still debating why the Queen (Claire Foy) in The Crown made less than Prince Phillip (Matt Smith).

Much tango? Finland hosts the world's oldest tango festival. Tangomarkkinat is held in Seinäjoki every July. A delightful festival origin story. Festival director Lasse Lintala had the idea in a Finnish sauna! However, why he was thinking about festivals in a sauna is another story.

A lengthy Christmas Want the Christmas mood to last longer? Experience pikkujoulu in Finland. Christmas parties begin a month before December 25th and involve drinking glogi with friends and coworkers in bars. We can't imagine a greater Christmas.

Pigs and birds Recall Angry Birds, which captivated the world with its angry birds and green pigs attacking their eggs? The Finnish company Rovio Entertainment created the game, which has over three billion downloads.

Slice snap Your scissors for casually snipping scotch tape, making scallop-edged greeting cards, and opening that package of frozen peas? Finland gave them. Fiskars' Finnish designer Olaf Backstrom invented plastic-handled scissors, and the rest is history.

Dark times What prevents the milk van from killing you while cycling in the morning? Reflectors, designed by Arvi Lehti in 1955, protect his horse carts at night.

All office chairs recline and rock thanks to Swedish architect Alvar Aalto. The Cantilever Principle, used in the Howrah Bridge, was originally applied to furniture by Aalto. Santa Korvatunturi, a fell in Lapland where reindeer wander free, is supposed to be Santa's residence. Gnomes wrap and ship all the gifts there.

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