The Best Exercises For Abs At Home, According to an Expert Personal Trainer 

It's tempting to use crunches and sit-ups as the greatest abs exercises at home. We've tightened our teeth, counted our reps, and trusted the process, but these classic Phys Ed exercises won't yield anything.

Lie on your back on the floor with your arms straight and above your chest, hips and knees bent 90 degrees into a tabletop position with feet off the ground and shins parallel to the floor. Flatten your lower back into the floor to activate your abdominals without holding your breath. Repeat desired number of times on both sides.

The Dead Bug

Facedown, hold yourself with forearms and elbow. Keep elbows under shoulders and hands in fists to promote upper-body tension and muscle activation. Keep forearms parallel Get up by using your abs, glutes, forearms, and toes without holding your breath. Quads, core, and glutes contract during knee extension. In plank posture, squeeze every muscle and breathe diaphragmatically Hold 5-10 seconds, repeat 10-20 times.

Standard plank

Lay sideways with feet and legs on top, forearm on ground, elbow under shoulder. Breathelessly contract abs and glutes. Maintaining tension, press through your forearm and foot to lift your hips and legs off the ground until your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Hold 5-10 seconds as needed. Slowly return to the start 5–10 times before switching sides.

Side plank

Lay sideways with feet and legs on top, forearm on ground, elbow under shoulder. Breathelessly contract abs and glutes. Maintaining tension, press through your forearm and foot to lift your hips and legs off the ground until your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Hold 5-10 seconds as needed. Slowly return to the start 5–10 times before switching sides.

Bird Dog

As you recline, form a ‘T’ with arms at sides and palms up. Raising your feet and bending your hips and knees 90 degrees forms a tabletop with your shins parallel to the floor. Flattening your lower back on the floor activates your abdominals for optimal movement without holding your breath. Drop your legs and pelvis to the right until they're a few inches off the floor with your abs and lower back flat.

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