Top Hair Growth Vitamins That Actually Work 

Biotin (vitamin B7) increases keratin synthesis and follicle growth. Rare biotin deficits are most common in Biotinidase Deficiency. This vitamin is found in eggs, meat, fish, almonds, sweet potatoes, and seeds. 


Hair cells grow quickest. Vitamin A makes sense as the ideal development fuel. When you absorb vitamin A, you make sebum. Moisture from that oil keeps your scalp and hair follicles healthy. Vitamin A deficiency can cause hair loss. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin C-rich food. Body antioxidants balance free radical electrons to protect hair. Beyond balancing the scales, Vitamin C helps your body make collagen (which prevents graying) and absorb iron (which grows hair). Alcohol, smoking, and poor diets can deplete vitamin C. 

Vitamin C

Fatty fish, cod liver oil, fortified meals (cereal, eggs, bread, yogurt), and mushrooms increase vitamin D consumption. You can also capture midday sun.

Vitamin D

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties like vitamin C.  It reduces oxidative stress by balancing free radical electrons. Crohn's and cystic fibrosis patients are more prone to vitamin E deficiency. 

Vitamin E

These cells help body cells heal and flourish by distributing oxygen. Women are particularly at risk of hair loss from iron deficiency. Eggs, red meat, lentils, spinach, oysters, and clams contain iron. Take iron supplements if your doctor advises it. 


Zinc helps hair grow and maintains follicle oil glands. Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss. Those who drink frequently, have Crohn's, are pregnant or breastfeeding, and have chronic kidney disease are especially prone to zinc deficits. 


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